Scholarship Opportunities
“Debbie Fritz-Quincy Scholarship for the Environment”
In February 2016, the Board of Directors of the Hobe Sound Nature Center, Inc. established the “Debbie Fritz-Quincy Scholarship for the Environment”, in the amount of $1,000, to be awarded annually to a deserving high school graduate. This award was created to assist and honor student volunteers who plan to continue studying environmental education, biology, ecology, conservation, or related sciences in college. The scholarship was awarded for the first time in May of 2016. Applications are accepted starting February 1st. To apply, students must be a current volunteer in good standing with the Nature Center and/or Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge. A typed cover letter, requesting consideration for the scholarship, must be submitted and should include the following details listed below.
Dates of volunteer service
Why did you initially decide to volunteer at the Nature Center and/or Refuge?
What did you like the most and least about your experience?
What have you learned from your experience?
How has your volunteer service affected your daily life and future aspirations?
Have you been involved in any other similar programs or volunteer opportunities with other organizations, businesses, or agencies? Please describe all, including any paid positions or internships.
What are your plans for college at this time?
What would you like to do with a college degree following graduation?
Please e-mail your resume and cover letter to Dr. Jill Griffin: JGriffin@hobesoundnaturecenter.org. You may also send your materials via mail to: Hobe Sound Nature Center, Scholarship for the Environment, PO Box 214, Hobe Sound, FL 33475. If you have any questions, please contact us at (772) 546-2067.