Nature Journaling: Question Everything!
Join Autumn Kioti, artist and Florida Master Naturalist, as they lead you on a hike toward a new nature journaling habit!
In this fun indoor\outdoor workshop, we'll journey to the crossroads of art, ecology, and exploration. We'll begin by learning tips, techniques and materials of nature journaling. Cultivating our sense of wonder inside the nature center, we'll explore and discover the questions, then practise techniques to help us begin to get our observations on the page.
Next we'll create a simple pocket nature journal of our own. Finally, we'll use our new found skills on a short outdoor nature exploration!
This workshop focuses not only on sketching, but will also delve into creative writing, and even citizen science! At the end of this workshop, you'll know how to translate this lesson into a practice that continues out-of-doors and anywhere you find yourself with a pencil and paper.